Revolutionizing Dermatology: The Transformative Impact of ADCS and SKNV

This article encapsulates insights from an interview with ADSC, delving into their perspectives on SKNV.

1.   Why should dermatologists care about SKNV?

When we asked Advanced Derm and Cosmetic Surgery provider, Dr. Meg Lemon why she chooses to partner with SKNV, she said:

“SKNV provides reliable medications at a great price point for patients, but also for medical providers, which allows us to make

a profit and provide medication conveniently in the office at the time of care. I was pleasantly surprised how much patients really liked this convenience.”

SKNV was born from the realization that the U.S. insurance industry was failing dermatology patients. Constrained by the profit-driven interests of the insurance industry and big pharma, dermatologists were struggling to efectively treat patients.

SKNV was launched in 2016 to challenge the status quo, aiming to empower dermatologists with customized therapies that cater to individuals’ unique needs.

Over the last eight years, SKNV established a reputation for helping dermatologists recapture the power to prescribe tailored treatments at a more affordable cost to patients, deliver improved outcomes, and generate revenue.

SKNV’s Unique Edge

2. What differentiates SKNV from other players in the pharmaceutical space?

Just as Uber revolutionized the taxi industry, SKNV is disrupting in-office Rx dispensing.

SKNV restores prescribing authority to physicians through accessible cash pricing at a lower cost than most prescription insurance copayments. This saves patients money and efectively circumvents the need for prior authorizations, freeing both patients and providers from the historical constraints of our broken healthcare system.

Manufactured in a state-of-the-art U.S. FDA-Registered 503B Outsourcing Facility,

SKNV’s medications follow stringent quality assurance measures with formulations tailored to patient needs and without the same harmful excipients found in comparable branded and generic drugs.

3. How do these differentiators add value to a dermatology practice?

SKNV’s approach enhances clinical, administrative, and financial efficiency within dermatology practices.

We find that our Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery (ADCS) patients are increasingly more informed and concerned about the ingredients they put on their skin.

On the clinical front, dermatologists are armed with the ability to tailor medication potency, choose the delivery vehicle, and select active and inactive ingredients.

“SKNV provides reliable medications at a great price point for patients, but also for medical providers, which allows us to make a profit and provide medication conveniently in the ofice at the time of care. I was pleasantly surprised how much patients really liked this convenience.”

– Dr. Meg Lemon

SKNV provides a selection of over 120 dermatology-specific medications designed to treat a plethora of skin conditions, such as acne, fungal infections, dermatitis, melasma, rosacea, and more.

On the administrative front, SKNV enables providers to prescribe unencumbered by third-party payers. Reducing the administrative burden associated with prior authorizations streamlines practice operations and enhances profitability, enabling staff to focus on more meaningful tasks. This also helps dermatologists regain control of their schedules and devote more time to patient care.

On the financial front, SKNV can help monetize and add revenue to each practice with its customized medications.

4. Can you explain how SKNV determines which inactive ingredients to omit, and how do you ensure these formulations meet individual needs?

SKNV’s formulation process is grounded in a data-driven, collaborative approach.

Leveraging peer-reviewed, evidence-based studies, our team identifies and eliminates inactive ingredients that are potential allergens and/or irritants.

Additionally, the company’s dermatology partners have the autonomy to customize treatments, ensuring each patient’s specific needs are met and cultivating a culture of collective discovery.

By consistently refining their medications and learning from the collective expertise of dermatologists in ADCS’s network, SKNV not only upholds but also advances the best practices in dermatological care.

5. Can you share some success stories or case studies showcasing the effectiveness of SKNV’s approach in improving patient outcomes and satisfaction?

SKNV believes the true testament to the efficacy of its drugs and approaches come directly from those who use them in clinical practice. ADCS dermatology partners, who have firsthand experience with the results SKINV enables, are the most authentic voices in sharing success stories.

When asked about the outcomes SKNV has enabled for his patients, Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Provider Jonathan Cox responded:

“Having access to high quality and affordable prescriptions has improved medical care by allowing in-office dispensing of both medical and cosmetic prescription drugs at the time of care. This bypass the expensive co-pays at the pharmacy with a high-quality medication and 100% satisfaction guarantee for our patients.”

SKNV provides a selection of over 120 dermatology-specific medications designed to treat a plethora of skin conditions, such as acne, fungal infections, dermatitis, melasma, rosacea, and more.

6. Finally, can you tell us more about the relationship between SKNV and Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery?

SKNV has worked closely with many local practices in the Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery family for years now.

The company offers a personalized and dedicated advisory approach to each ADCS partner, walking side by side with each staff member every step of the way.

SKNV is dedicated to ensuring that every practice feels supported, not just supplied with medications.

Their commitment to ADCS partners extends far beyond supplying a customized dermatology system—SKNV is also deeply involved in supporting the success of the dermatologists it serves. SKNV Consultants are always available to help and consistently strive to contribute to the success and growth of their practice.